[Spoiler] Added episode 7 captures for the Korean drama 'Please Come Back, Mister'

Added episode 7 captures for the Korean drama "Please Come Back, Mister" (2016)


Directed by Sin Yoon-seob

Written by Noh Hye-yeong

Network : SBS

With Rain, Kim Soo-ro, Kim In-kwon, Oh Yeon-seo, Lee Min-jung, Lee Hanee,...

16 episodes - Wed, Thu 22:00
Formerly known as "Hello, My Precious" (안녕 내 소중한 사람, an-nyeong nae so-jeong-han sa-lam)
Based on an original Japanese human comedy novel "7 Days of Tsubakiyama" by Asada Jiro, about a man who doesn't know he's dead, coming back alive and mingling with people he didn't know before and accepting death.

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2016/02/24
