Obscene Married Women Who Indulge in Infidelity

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Korean Movie | 2024

회원 전용

Directed by Ryoo Se-ah (류세아)

64min | Release date in South Korea:

Scene 1. (Female manager) A male subordinate assists his drunken female manager as they enter a motel. The subordinate starts to get excited when he sees this boss's body lying in disarray on the bed.

Scene 2. (Muscular younger man) A wife is cheating on her husband by having a secret affair with a muscular younger man.

Scene 3. (Affair) A woman is jumping on the bed where Joon-hyeok is lying while begging him to go on a trip this weekend. However, Joon-hyeok is a little afraid to go without his wife's knowledge, so the woman starts asking him to get a divorce.


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