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Korean Movie | 2024

회원 전용

Directed by Lee PD (이피디)

73min | Release date in South Korea:

Hyeon-ho and Heung-sik are playing one-on-one basketball, while Soo-yeon and Kyeong-mi are cheering for their two friends and clapping passionately inside the stadium. As the game progressed intensely, Heung-sik eventually won the game. Heung-sik and Kyeong-mi are delighted with their victory and hold each other's hands to celebrate. On the other hand, Soo-yeon was watching Hyeon-ho lose with an angry expression. After the game, Soo-yeon and Kyeong-mi are walking away while carrying Heung-sik and Hyeon-ho's bags. Soo-yeon is angry that Hyeon-ho lost, so she begins to come up with a plan to ensure that he will win next time.


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