My First Experience With My Girlfriend Who Asked Me to Put Her in the Car

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Korean Movie | 2023

회원 전용

Directed by Lee PD (이피디)

47min | Release date in South Korea:

Scene 1. Ryoo-won and Wan-jin are enjoying a drive outside the city center to a quiet outskirt for the first time in a while. The boyfriend leaves the driving to her girlfriend and starts touching her while she is driving. Ryoo-won heats up, so she puts her driving to a stop, and the couple lusts at each other's bodies in a confined space.

Scene 2. Jo-hee and Tommy are on an outdoor date. As the boyfriend continues to improve his flirting skills, the couple's bodies heat up. And when Tommy says that he wants to check their inner compatibility, Joo-hee pretends not to like it but naturally moves to the car to confirm their love for each other.


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