Living Together With Her and Auntie

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Korean Movie | 2018

회원 전용

Directed by Yoo Kang (유강)

69min | Release date in South Korea:

(Uncut) 81min | Release date in South Korea: 2020/04/03

Sook-hee, a female web novelist who has a large fan base thanks to her series of erotic novels, devotes herself to creative activities by living in the countryside in order to write. But one day, she feels like someone is watching him. From that day on, even her creativity, which was fostered by a pink slip, disappeared. As she becomes afraid of living alone, Sook-hee finds a housemate and begins to have dizzying relationships as she strangely gets involved with every tenant she lives with. But she takes advantage of these relationships to serve as good material for her novel. Strangely, however, each of her housemates doesn't last a few days and is kicked out by Sook-hee.

How will Sook-hee escape from the unidentified gaze that is watching her?


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