Broken Family

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Broken Family

Korean Movie | 2024

고장난 가족 | go-jang-nan ga-jok


Directed by Jeong Hwan-seok (정환석)

109min | Release date in South Korea:

"Women are treated well only when they are taken care of. Is it my job to keep up with them?!"

Jong-rye is a former movie star who has lived like a princess her whole life, and Seong-ae has lived a life like a cheonggukjang with her husband who was a stubborn soldier.

Two people who went for a health checkup have their physical ages measured at the hospital.
Jong-rye, who has always been confident in her beauty and thorough management, is shocked by Seong-ae, who is much younger than her.

Meanwhile, Seong-ae is overcome with worry when her daughter, who left her granddaughter alone, suddenly comes to her house.

Two different families find the value and true meaning of family that transcends generations through conflict and reconciliation!


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