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[Video] New Trailer Added for the Upcoming Remastered Korean Movie "Byun Kang-swoi"

New trailer added for the upcoming remastered Korean movie "Byun Kang-swoi"

"Byun Kang-swoi" (1986)

Directed by Um Jong-sun

With Lee Dae-geun, Won Mi-kyung, Jang Hyuk-I, Kim Shin-myung, Nam Su-jung, Gook Jung-hwan,...

Original release date: 1986/05/03
All the men who slept with Ong-nyeo (Won Mi-kyung) in the village, died from having a sexual intercourse. When all the village leaders disappeared, local women kicked Ong-nyeo out of the village. Meanwhile, Byun Kang-swoi (Lee Dae-geun), who has extraordinary energy, hears about Ong-nyeo and goes out to find her.

Ong-nyeo also heard rumors of Byun Kang-swoi, and the two met and settled down after a long wandering life. When Ong-nyeo became pregnant, she caught Byun Kang-swoi's heart who got addicted to gambling. In the meantime, Byeon Gang-soe picks the village guardian deity with firewood, which causes him to die of anger. Ong-nyeo walks over her with her full-fledged tummy and tears in her eyes...

Release date in Korea : 2021/09/13