Upcoming Korean movie "Lost to Shame"

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"Lost to Shame" (2016)

Directed by Nam Yeon-woo

With Nam Yeon-woo, Ahn Sung-min, Hong Jeong-ho, Han Myung-soo, Yang Jo-a, Choi Yong-jin,...

Song-joon is an unknown actor who often has to borrow money from his brother to get by. On one of his grim days, Song-joon is cast as the lead in a play about homosexuality. The play is successful and Song-joon is lauded for his performance. By taking the role and making efforts to better understand the gay community, Song-joon believes he has been able to overcome his prejudices. But after discovering his brother's secret, he realizes he is still unable to accept homosexual love.

Release date in Korea : 2017/09