[Upcoming DVD Release] Korean Documentary "Miryang Arirang"

Korean documentary "Miryang Arirang" is available to preorder on DVD with English subtitles from YESASIA.


"Miryang Arirang" (2014)

Directed by Park Bae-il

I heard some electrical towers were going to be built next to our farm, so I stopped working and did my best to prevent it for three years. Once that tower comes in, we'll all lose our land and our health too, I heard. We villagers fought hard but last October over 3000 police officers swarmed in and turned our village into a battlefield. They blocked the mountain roads, the farm roads, and went about the village as if they owned it. Watching that made me sick to my heart. No matter how much we struggle, it seems like there's no way to stop that tower from coming here. I have a lot of things to say. Will you listen to me?

Order from YESASIA