Shin Hyun-joon, 200 in scandals? Surprise reveals

Actor Shin Hyun-joon explained himself about the scandals with actresses.


In the corner, 'Star Hearing' in the TV show 'When It's at Night' on the 3rd of January, Kim Je-dong claimed, "Shin Hyun-joons scandal reports go over 200 pages".

Shin Hyun-joon claimed with wit that, "Once, if there was news about 'S' being in a relationship with someone, everyone called me"., "I don't know how newspapers would've made money if it wasn't for me when it wasn't sports season".

As Kim Je-dong asked, "Who is true out of all of them?", Shin Hyun-joon replied honestly, "One or two are true". At this, Kim Je-dong insistently asked, "So the 120 are not true?"

Relating to the scandal with Kim Hee-sun, Shin Hyun-joon explained, "We called a substitute driver one day when we had two beers. The scandal broke out when we were trying to ease up the driver who was so nervous about seeing a celebrity for the first time.


Shin Hyun-joon recalled, "I asked the driver how old he was and he said he was born in the year 1977. So I said you are they same age as Kim Hee-sun. It just so happened that the next passenger was a sports newspaper reporter".

Then he continued, "The driver told the reporter he had just sent Shin Hyun-joon home and this reporter put out an article about me being drunk and not being able to let go of Kim Hee-sun".


Meanwhile, besides Shin Hyun-joon, MC Tak Jae-hoon's participation in the 'Star Hearing' also drew attention.