[Photos] New Stills Added for the Upcoming Korean Documentary "The Spring of Tamra in 1948"

New stills added for the upcoming Korean documentary "The Spring of Tamra in 1948" (2022)


Directed by Kwon Soon-do

The Jeju Uprising was caused by communists (leftists) in South Korea to prevent the election of the Constitutional Assembly on May 10, 1948. The goal of the left is communist unification! The left-wing South Law Party slaughtered police, right-wing figures, election commissioners, Christians, and their families on Jeju. We hear things we don't know well, those who have been victimized by the South Law Party, and the voices of unjust victims. What were the atrocities that the communists committed? What terrible things can happen again if you don't remember this?

Release date in Korea : 2022/09/02