Lee Jae-woo to Star in "Again My Life"

Actor Lee Jae-woo will appear in "Again My Life".


On the 11th, his agency Lead Entertainment said, "Lee Jae-woo has confirmed to star in the new SBS drama "Again My Life"".

"Again My Life" is a drama about a prosecutor's absolute evil judgment, who gets a chance to start a new life in the threshold of the underworld after suffering an unfair death.

Lee Jae-woo plays Kang Min-seok, the representative lawyer of KMS, a law firm in the drama. He plays the role of an attractive lawyer who listens without ignoring his powerless clients and has a strong sense of mission and a strong desire to win with a strong sense of justice. In the drama, he will act as a helper for Kim Hee-woo (Lee Joon-gi).

Lee Jae-woo has shown various characters in a number of works, will show in "Again My Life".

"Again My Life" is scheduled to air on SBS in the first half of 2022.