Korean Movie Opening Today 2024/03/15 in Korea

Korean movie opening today 2024/03/15 in Korea: "Fall of the Moon" (2023)


Directed by Kim Mun-ok

With Choi Da-hyung, Park Tae-hyun, Kim Min-jung-VI, Kim Moon-soo-I, Im Yeon-bi, Bae Kyung-hee,...

An unknown actor in his 30s with vain ambitions deliberately approaches a wealthy widowed businessman in his 60s and succeeds in marrying her. They only aimed for the widow's wealth, but the widow died from a chronic illness, and in the end, her last will was, "I will return all my property to society". The unknown actor's vain ambition disappeared like a mirage, and only the unknown actor's already aged face was replaced by plastic surgery. It remains as a trace of the fall.