[Korean Drama Spoiler] 'Where Stars Land' Episodes 17 and 18 Screenshots Added

Added episodes 17 and 18 screenshots for the Korean drama "Where Stars Land" (2018)


Directed by Sin Woo-cheol

Written by Kang Eun-kyeong

Network : SBS

With Lee Je-hoon, Chae Soo-bin, Lee Dong-gun, Kim Ji-soo, Kim Kyung-nam, Lee Soo-kyung-I,...

32 episodes - Mon, Tue 22:00 (2x35min episodes per day)
Formerly known "Fox Bride Star and "Yeowoo Gaksibyeol"
There is a man who wants to live an ordinary life but can never do so. On the other hand, there is a woman who yearns to live a unique and different life but lives one that is run-of-the-mill. These two individuals clash into each other at an airport, go through obstacles that come their way, heal each other's wounds, and learn about love. There is no such thing as an "amazing life" from the start. However, when you find your own self-worth and happiness in your everyday life, that dazzling moment is when your life becomes amazing. The characters in this drama strive to find their own paths instead of competing with others, accept differences, and try to help each other where they lack. Through these stories, this drama attempts to show us that the happiest and most blinding moments in our lives are the moments when we feel alive.

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2018/10/01
