Korea's First Animation Theater to Open Jan. 19

Seoul AniCinema, Korea's first animation film theater, will open on Jan. 19. The Seoul metropolitan government and the Seoul Industry Promotion Foundation have decided to open Seoul AniCinema in the Seoul Animation Center in Yejang-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul. The theater will show domestically produced animation movies.

Establishing a theater that specializes exclusively in animation movies has been a long-cherished dream of Korean animation film producers. Marketing domestically produced animation movies has been a quite challenging task so far. Most animation productions had to be presented in tie-in deals or withdrawn from cinemas ahead of schedule due to the aggressive marketing of blockbuster movies.

As its opening film, Seoul AniCinema will show "Hammer Boy", based on the original comic book by Huh Young-man, from Jan. 19 through Feb. 9.
