Joo Jin-mo-I's Wife Passes Away

Veteran actor Joo Jin-mo-I's wife passed away.


Walnut & U Entertainment, Joo Jin-mo-I's agency, reported the death of Ahn, Joo Jin-mo-I's wife, on the 9th. Currently, Joo Jin-mo-I is guarding the mortuary in sadness.

The mortuary was set up at the funeral hall of Korea University Anam Hospital in Seongbuk-gu, Seoul. The starting point is 1:30 PM on the 11th, and the burial site is Seoul Memorial Park.

Meanwhile, Joo Jin-mo-I debuted in 1983 with a drama and is actively working across the stage, broadcasting, and movies. Recently, he appeared in the SBS drama "Now, We Are Breaking Up", movies "Spiritwalker", and "In Our Prime".