[HanCinema's News] Film Release Calendar Takes Shape for the Year

With the pandemic now having raged for over two years, many big releases have been put on the backburner at the South Korean box office. But startin in April, titles from major studios are going to start trickling back in. First up is the vehicular comedy film "Stellar: A Magical Ride" on April 6th with Son Ho-jun and Lee Kyu-hyung in major roles. Next will be the sentimental film "Take Care of My Mom" on April 13th starring Kim Young-ok and Kim Young-min.


April 20th will see the release of "The Anchor" which is a mystery thriller starring Chun Woo-hee in the leading role. April 27th will see the opening of the socially conscious film "I Want to Know Your Parents" that deals with bullying. Moving into May, however, there are few significant releases as South Korean film distributors appear to have ceded the month to major American film studios.

Early June will see the the baby box themed film "Broker" makes it premiere, while "The Witch : Part 2. The Other One" has an even more undefined, tentative release window sometime in June. "Decision to Leave" with the return of Tang Wei to South Korean film is expected to be released sometime in July. Other films such as "Alienoid" and "Hansan: Rising Dragon" still lack even release windows, as does "Emergency Declaration" though all are still expected to be released some time this year.

Written by William Schwartz