[ChanMi's star news] Kim Hee-sun models for 'Elle' during her pregnancy

Who'd believe that she is pregnant?


Actress Kim Hee-sun once again shows off her beauty and charisma through 'Elle' magazine photoshoot.

She has modeled and interviewed for this edition of 'Elle' where she talked a lot about her marriage life so far.

Kim is 5 months pregnant yet her bodyline is lovely! She said that she and her husband call the unborn baby 'Jackpot' and for short, Jack.

She said that when she tried the pregnancy test, she was so excited she called for her husband right away. And just to make sure, she did 5 pregnancy tests!

Kim said that fortunately she didn't go through much morning sickness although she wanted to to feel the child inside her. However she confessed that she gets very emotional and sensitive easily. Kim says that one song can make her very emotional that she can be down one day and happy in extremes. Her husband wants a girl, but she wants a boy.