Terrible Ads - What Have They Done to My Stars?!

To capture the attention of the viewers in short time frame and appeal the product they are selling, the advertisements have to be captivating and creative. Using sensory, from a vivid visual to catchy songs, the advertisement team will throw in every possible method to imprint the image of their brand and products into our brain. Be it good or bad, it just has to be memorable.


Perhaps sometimes it's the greedy minds that take over their head, wanting to make the most creative contents, but some advertisements are so bad because it's excessively exaggerated. Which is fine, until they throw such a cringey concept to our favorite stars.


Lee Ji-eun

From this to.....





From this to.....

This. (This ad was ciritisized for his lines.)



SHINee (Taemin, Key, Choi Minho, Onew and Jonghyun)

From this to.....




Sandeul (from a boy group B1A4)

From this to.....




Yoo Seung-ho

From this to.....



So since they are our beloved stars, no matter what they do, they are still adorable and cute anyways. And YES, these advertisements are humorous. However, let us rather stick to the concept that will emphasize their beauty next time! (:

By. Lily Lee