[Spoiler] "Lee Soon-sin is the Best": Episode 47 Recap

by: Raine



Moping. Brooding. Crying. Yelling. Hitting. Rinse and repeat.

AGB Nielsen Nationwide had this episode coming in at 25.0%.

"Lee Soon-sin is the Best" is directed Yoon Seong-sik by and written by Jeong Yoo-kyeong and features Lee Ji-eun, Cho Jung-seok, Go Doo-shim and Lee Mi-sook.

Episode 47 recap

The detective asks Jung-ae what Chang-hoon's relationship with Mi-ryeong is because he was with her on the day he was killed: he thinks Chang-hoon was trying to save Mi-ryeong. It's strange that Mi-ryeong never said anything about it.

Jung-ae trudges home and finds Mi-ryeong in front of her house, ready to beg for an apology. Well, she is ready, but Hwang doesn't want her to. It doesn't matter what he wants because Jung-ae angrily confronts Mi-ryeong, demanding to know why she's there. Her yells bring out Granny and Hye-shin: what the hell do you have to tell me? Jung-ae accuses Mi-ryeong of making Chang-hoon die and stealing Soon-shin. She says Mi-ryeong isn't even human. Hwang explains the situation, but Jung-ae gets even more hysterical. Mi-ryeong ran away and didn't explain.

Granny finally speaks up, unable to believe what is going on. Then she, predictably, passes out.

Soon-shin slept overnight in a practice room and Joon-ho greets her. Apparently she's been sleeping there every night. He tells her to stay and she wants him to stop worrying about her. Ha, yeah right. He takes her stuff and tells her to sit while he goes to buy her food.

Wait, they're not back together after that hugging park reunion? Seriously, show?

Jung-ae cares for Granny who is in shock. They cry together. Afterwards, Jung-ae goes to mope downstairs. Hye-shin checks up on her and wonders if Soon-shin knew. Jung-ae realizes that she must've based upon her earlier behavior. She calls Joon-ho to find Soon-shin and storms into the practice room where Soon-shin is brooding over Mi-ryeong's selfishness. Jung-ae tells her daughter that she knows everything and wants her to go home. Soon-shin refuses, which Jung-ae doesn't understand. She won't' let Soon-shin go anywhere anymore and drags her home.

Where was this 30 episodes ago? Guh.

Hye-shin is happy to see Soon-shin. Soon-shin makes the requisite visit on a sobbing Granny.

Mi-ryeong mopes. There is so much moping and brooding with this show that I'm getting annoyed. Anyway, she's moping, Dong-hyuk is moping. Luckily, his moping is cut off by Joon-ho. He tells Joon-ho that the cops have his car's black box. Dong-hyuk wants Joon-ho to do what he can against the media and apologizes for keeping all of this a secret. He should've stopped Mi-ryeong. Yup, you should've. Joon-ho asks if he really had feelings for Mi-ryeong and he's not sure if it was sympathy or not.

You're going THAT route? You suck.

Dong-hyuk asks Joon-ho not to be too hard on Mi-ryeong who was worried about losing Soon-shin. Joon-ho is kinda in a tight spot because he loves Soon-shin, but Mi-ryeong IS his client and he hasn't been serving her very well.

Before Yoo-shin can head in for a performance review, she gets a call from Chan-woo who hasn't heard from Gil-ja. She goes in for her review and receives rave reviews. The bosses want her to launch her product. Her staff wants to go celebrate, but she has to deal with her mother-in-law issues.

Gil-ja is poking around the neighborhood and sees that Bok-man temporarily closed the restaurant. That gets her back home quick where she finds Bok-man lounging on the sofa. He's not surprised to see her and snarks on how much she loves money that she didn't go on a trip. The newlyweds come home and are happy to see her. Chan-woo goes to check on Gil-ja and Bok-man storms out, pissed at Gil-ja who is crying in the kitchen, feeling unloved.

She's a total jerk, but I can see why she's crying. Her husband treats her like poo. Still, she brought a lot of it on herself.

Chan-woo and Yoo-shin head into their room and he tries to explain Gil-ja to her. He wonders why Bok-man is so mean and then Yoo-shin surprises him: they should all go on a trip together. Chan-woo is happy that she considers his family, too. She says it's a selfish desire to not have to live through things getting worse, but we all know that Yoo-shin cares.

The Ex comes to pick Woo-joo up from school and she avoids him. He can't follow her 'cause his car is parked in an illegal spot. She won't answer his calls either and Hye-shin kneels down to have a heart-to-heart with her kid. Hye-shin apologizes for making things hard on Woo-joo and making her really mad at her parents. She promises to do better. Woo-joo brushes her off, but you can tell Hye-shin's words got to her.

Jung-ae goes to Granny for a talk and I try not to fall asleep. Granny wonders why her life is so crappy and refuses to eat. She cries over Chang-hoon. While I feel bad for her for losing her child, she really does exacerbate a lot of her problems with all of her moping and judging her family. Then she decides to go see Mi-ryeong and hash it out. Another bad idea. Good thing her body gives up on her and doesn't let her do it.

I feel bad getting annoyed at all her sobbing, but she brings so much of it on herself.

Jung-ae goes to her room to mope in front of a picture of her husband. Hye-shin comes in for MORE talking. Jung-ae doesn't want to tell Yoo-shin about Mi-ryeong and the accident until they find out more.

Soon-shin reads over her first script with notes from Mi-ryeong and rips it up in a fury after Mi-ryeong calls her. I totally get why she's angry. Now if only she had told Mi-ryeong she coudn't mess with her, y'know, when this all started. If she had gone about forming a relationship with her on HER terms, not Mi-ryeong's manipulative ones. Not that it would fix this pain, but she wouldn't be so curdled inside.

Joon-ho can't get ahold of her and he mopes. STOP MOPING PEOPLE!

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