[Spoiler] "Lawless Lawyer" Lee Joon-gi and Seo Yea-ji Achieve Revenge and Justice

On the latest episode of the tvN drama, "Lawless Lawyer", Ahn Oh-joo (Choi Min-soo) appeared as witness. Bong Sang-pil (Lee Joon-gi) warned, "The truth is bound to come out. You'll find out why I brought Ahn Oh-joo here". Cha Moon-sook chose Ahn Oh-joo as her witness.


Ahn Oh-joo said, "I've been a dog of judge Cha Moon-sook". Cheon Seung-beom (Park Ho-san) asked Ahn Oh-joo to continue and Cha Moon-sook had to listen to her. Ahn Oh-joo added, "If she told me to kill, I killed and if she told me to bury, I buried".

Cha Moon-sook claimed that the picture of her was a lie, but Noh Hyeon-joo (Baek Joo-hee) appeared. Ha Jae-i (Seo Yea-ji) said, "It was you who ordered the kidnapping". Bong Sang-pil asked, "Don't you think you'll get punished if you commit a crime?"

Ahn Oh-joo ran away while he was being moved and killed himself in the place where he was born. Judge Cha Moon-sook was arrested in her home and Bong Sang-pil asked for the re-investigation of lawyer Choi Jin-ae. Cha Moon-sook said, "You'll have to forgive me otherwise you'll be in pain". Bong Sang-pil didn't apologize to Ha Jae-i.

Cheon Seung-beom suggested Bong Sang-pil and Ha Jae-i go to Seoul where they received a new mission.