[Spoiler] "Deep-rooted Tree" An autopsy to cure Shin Se-kyung's aphasia

Sejong (Han Suk-kyu) ordered an autopsy by the Garions (Jeong Ki-joon/Yoon Je-moon).


On the eleventh episode of SBS drama "Deep-rooted Tree" on November 9th, the Garions cut open a body's throat and mouth just as Sejong ordered.

The autopsy went on. The Garion opened the corpse and the maid drew an anatomy chart. She then collapsed to the floor crying in shock. No one understood what Sejong was thinking.

Garion asked, "What is it that you're doing?" and he pointed to So-i (Shin Se-kyung) saying, "She lost her father and her voice because of me. Therefore I am going to research the vocal system and get her voice back".

Garion couldn't believe that Sejong would cut open a body for a maid. So-i asked him, "Do you think Garion believes it?" and Sejong replied, "What I told Garion is the truth". So-i understood what he meant and said, "Don't try too hard" and was touched.

The reason why he wanted the autopsy done was because unlike Chinese characters, Hangeul was made artificially. He wanted the language to have the logics of nature and truly become the people's language.