Sapporo TV to air Bae Yong-joon documentary

A special documentary, which dealt with Hanryu star Bae Yong-joon, is aired through Sapporo TV on April 11 following Nippon TV's broadcast on April 9.

This time's program is to introduce contents, which covered landscapes of Samcheok, Kangwon Province, the shooting venue of cinema 'Going out' to be released in about mid of September, with a spot location.

In addition to a spot location, this program also covered an exclusive interview with Bae Yong-joon as well as movie maker's impressions.

Along with a screening film contained his training process, this documentary further is to introduce episodes got entangled with Bae Yong Joon photo collection and a process of 'Bae Yong Joon diet'.

Plus these episodes, the program also shows Bae Yong-joon's good conduct, who donated the total amount of proceeds at his recent photo exhibition and his films in detail.

The Source : Koreacontent News Team
