[Photos] New Stills and Behind the Scenes Images Added for the Korean Drama "Beauty and Mr. Romantic"

New stills and behind the scenes images added for the Korean drama "Beauty and Mr. Romantic" (2024).


Directed by Hong Seok-goo

Written by Kim Sa-kyeong

Network: KBS

With Im Soo-hyang, Ji Hyun-woo, Cha Hwa-yeon, Yang Dae-hyuk, Lee Sang-jun, Im Ye-jin,...

50 episodes - Sat, Sun 19:55
A love story about an actress falls to the bottom overnight, and a producer's effort to try and get her back on her feet because he loves her. A cheerful family drama that reveals the truth of the case and restores love and justice through revenge and a family's desire going through confusion due to family conflicts.

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2024/03/23