[Orion's Daily Ramblings] "Her Private Life" Releases Fandom-Loving Character Posters

Our on-the-clock museum curator and off-the-clock fangirl gets her chance to tell us about the beauty of fandom, as we have new character posters for the main three characters of "Her Private Life". Seong Deok-mi (Park Min-young) has to navigate the perils of holding a prestigious job while also having a largely stigmatized hobby.


Deok-mi gets a double poster for her public and private life, but the message remains the same. She wants us to know that 'Stanning will make the world beautiful'. Her dedication to fandom does not leave our leading men unengaged either. In his poster, Ryan Gold (Kim Jae-wook) asks 'So that stanning or whatnot, how do you do that?' Nam Eun-gi (Ahn Bo-hyun) goes straight for the fangirl jugular, holding up a pair of music festival tickets and going 'I got these for you.'

We have the plucky heroine, the good friend who never steps outside of his comfort zone, thus dooming his romantic wishes, and we have the tsundere-looking fresh acquaintance who will be The One. It looks like we're set up for a familiar, but hopefully sweet and comforting romance. "Her Private Life" is premiering on April 10th on tvN.

Written by: Orion from 'Orion's Ramblings'