Lee Min-ho takes over China with "City Hunter"

Lee Min-ho is overwhelming Chinese fans with the SBS drama "City Hunter".


Having made a firm fan basis with the drama "Boys over Flowers", Lee Min-ho is currently causing a hot boom with "City Hunter".

According to the results of a vote in a Chinese portal site, the most searched male star is Lee Min-ho.

The statistics for Youku, a Chinese version of "Youtube" show that the overall ranking of Korean dramas show "Boys over Flowers" in first place and "City Hunter" for weekly.

The most loved character in Korean dramas is Lee Min-ho from "City Hunter", "Boys over Flowers" and "Personal Taste", taking rank 1,2 and 3 out of 10.

"City Hunter" is also rising in rate with every episode and recording hits up to a hundred million.

In the strength of this popularity follows concentrated media reports on Lee Min-ho. The press express him as the 'marvelous guy' favoring his acting and suction force, his accessories and props showing financial effect as well.