Kwak Do-won, The Aftermath of DUI

While actor Kwak Do-won was driving under the influence of alcohol, his agency Mada Entertainment bowed, saying, "We are responsible".


"First of all, we would like to apologize deeply for the unsavory incident", Mada Entertainment said. "No matter the reason, Kwak Do-won and his agency are feeling responsible without any excuse".

"We are sorry for causing concern to many people who watched Kwak Do-won, and I sincerely apologize again for causing the controversy", it said. "We will try to find a way quickly so that it does not cause as much damage as possible to many officials who work with him".

Kwak Do-won appeared in Kwak Kyung-taek's new film "Firefighters" and is set to be released within the year. It is expected to adversely affect the release because he plays the role of a firefighter, not a villain. He will also appear in the original TVING drama series "Villains", which is scheduled to be released next year.

Earlier, Kwak Do-won was caught in a drunk crackdown while sleeping on a road in Jeju City at dawn on the 25th. He is suspected of driving about 10 kilometers drunk. According to the police, who were dispatched after reporting to residents, Kwak Do-won's blood alcohol concentration at the time was reported to be more than the license cancellation value (0.08%).