[HanCinema's Digest] Photography

Find out what Korean middle school students get served at lunch, Robert Koehler captures Changgyeonggung at sunset, and the Seoul Sub→urban team visited Janghanpyeong Station.


"29 Days of Korean Middle School Lunches"

Have you every wondered what middle school students eat in Korea? Here's a photoblog of a month's worth of lunches to fill that curiosity (perhaps even with jealousy). Spoiler though, there's rice aplenty.


…READ ON IMGUR: http://imgur.com/gallery/vxXEX


"Changgyeonggung Sunset II"

Built by the popular King Sejong (Joseon's fourth ruler), in what is now the heart of Seoul, Changgyeonggung palace is a remarkable place worth visiting when travelling in South Korea. Here, travel photographer Robert Koehler captures this majestic site under the dying light of a day.

…SEE MORE ON ROBERT KOEHLER TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHY: http://rjkoehler.tumblr.com/post/115848769968/changgyeonggung-sunset-ii


"Janghanpyeong Station (장한평역) Line 5 – Station #543"

The Seoul Sub→urban team recently visited Janghanpyeong Station to take a look around and snap up the surrounding area. I love this idea of photoblogging about Korea's world-class train systems and stops, and these guy take their exploring seriously! There are some stunning pictures of great quality that really help reveal some the local delights we so often pass on our way to point B.

…READ ON SEOUL SUB→URBAN: http://seoulsuburban.com/2015/04/05/janghanpyeong-station-%EC%9E%A5%ED%95%9C%ED%8F%89%EC%97%AD-line-5-station-543/