[Photos] New Stills Added for the Upcoming Korean Documentary "Our Sunny Paradise"

New stills added for the upcoming Korean documentary "Our Sunny Paradise" (2024)


Directed by Kim Sang-pai

Contrary to my original plan of just one week, I ended up settling in the village of Soseongri. In the spring, news of the Pyeongchang Olympics and the US-North Korea summit spread a sense of peace and unity throughout the country - with one notable exception: Soseongri. Here, thousands of police arrived to police the streets and villagers, while American helicopters hovered over the village. For Soseongri ??Nanas??, such as Geunyeon, Soonboon, Sangdol, Gyeongim, and Gilnam, their familiar way of life was upended, leaving them with fear and anxiety. Although I eventually left the village, my return was accompanied by an unexpected act from Grandfather Bongjeong. He handed me a crumpled $50 bill and advised me to live well and treat others kindly.

15th DMZ International Documentary Film Festival

Release date in Korea : 2024/08