Day in the Life of Yonsama

So how did JP help Bae Yong-joon get in such fabulous shape? Below is Bae's exercise and diet regiment from June, 2004.

Morning Exercises

5 sets of 12 wide grip chin-ups

5 sets of 20 tubing high rows

5 sets of 12 cross grip chin-ups

5 sets of 20 tubing low rows

5 sets of 12 barbell rows

500 of leg raises

Afternoon Exercises

4 sets of 20 one-leg extensions

5 sets of 5 Smith squats

5 sets of 10 front lunges

3 sets of 20 Smith calf raises

3 sets of 15 leg curls

500 reverse crunches

20 minutes of cycling


7 a.m. _ Beef stir fry 300 g, steamed rice 300g

1/3 of an orange, 1/3 of a bunch of grapes, 1/3 of an apple, 2 tomatoes

10:20 a.m. _ Sweet potato

12:20 p.m. _ Protein shake 1/2 cup, banana 1

13:00 p.m. _ Chicken and vegetable stir fry 300 g, steamed rice 300 g

16:00 p.m. _ Sweet potato 1/2

19:00 p.m. _ Chicken and vegetable stir fry 200 g, steamed rice 200 g

21:15 p.m. _ Tomato 2

22:20 p.m. _ Chicken breast shake 1/2 cup, sweet potato 150 g

JP's Note

I returned to Seoul this morning from my business trip. Despite the fact that it could have felt difficult to keep up during my absence, checking up on Bae, it looks as if he has been doing a good job of sticking to his program.

-From "Design Your Body"
