Kim Sae-ron Gets a Cafe-Managing Job

Actress Kim Sae-ron (24), who caused a stir by driving under the influence of alcohol, is known to have been employed as a cafe manager.


According to the TV Daily on Wednesday, Kim Sae-ron recently got a full-time job at a cafe in Seongsu-dong, Seoul. She is serving as a manager by managing the entire cafe, including checkout.

It is reported that she has been active in her work, such as receiving customers without hesitation.

Meanwhile, Kim Sae-ron was caught drunk driving in Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul on May 18th two years ago. She was fined 20 million won in April 5 last year for running away after hitting street trees and transformers several times.

Entering the court where the sentencing hearing was held on the day, Kim Sae-ron said, "It's true that I'm working part-time, and it's true that the penalty is high", she said.

Kim Sae-ron stepped down from the SBS TV drama "Taxi Driver" after she caused a social stir by drunk driving, and was partially edited out of the Netflix series "Bloodhounds". Since then, there have been many negative public opinions about her. She resumed her social media activities late last year.