5th Korean Film Fest Screens in New York

"Another Public Enemy" - "Another Public Enemy" and "The President's Barber" among the films featured
Email Article Print Article Ronda Hauben (netizen2)
Two Korean films, "Another Public Enemy" - "Another Public Enemy" directed by Kang Woo Suk, and "The President's Barber" by Lim Chan Sang, are among those being shown in the 2005 New York Korean Film festival.

"Another Public Enemy" - "Another Public Enemy" is about a public prosecutor, played by Sol Kyeong-gu, who is determined to uphold the public interest and fight crime and corruption, even in the highest reaches of the South Korean government. The film presents a public official who is willing to sacrifice his official position and even his life to carry out his duty as a public prosecutor.

The effect his determination has on his superiors is inspiring, as instead of firing him, they find ways to support his commitment to the public good. At one showing of the film, a woman in the audience said that she hoped all American public officials would see the film.

"The President's Barber", reviews the years of Korean history under the dictatorship of Gen. Park Chung Hee. This is a fictional story told by a barber's son, Nak-an, who is born in 1961 when a student rebellion toppled South Korean President Syngman Rhee.

What followed was Park's 18-year rule of South Korea. The filmmaker presents various sides of Park's rule, including the torture and executions carried out under the national security law, but also Park's efforts to lend momentum to the technical development of South Korea. The film captures the human toll of Park's reign, but also has touching moments of humor and absurdity.

Both films demonstrate an appealing commitment of the filmmakers to critique the problems of South Korean society, along with showing the humanity and, as in the case of "Another Public Enemy" - "Another Public Enemy", proposing that dedication to fighting corruption can have a profound impact even on one's superiors.
The film festival continues through Sept. 11, 2005. Information about the festival and the schedule of films is available from the New York Korean Film Festival 2005 Web site http://www.koreanfilmfestival.org
