[Video] "Time of Miracle: Loss Time" teaser released

Behind-the-scene cuts of "Time of Miracle: Loss Time" have been revealed.


The New Year Special "Time of Miracle: Loss Time" released teasers on the 26th.

Popular MC Kim Sung-joo is starring in this special clip. In addition to the well-knit plot, Kim brought out witty adlibs throughout the making and finished in success without a single NG.

The teaser shows Kim Sung-joo being stripped down and dressed in a pink caster suit by a group of people who randomly attacked him. This is a newly introduced form of a drama.

Kim Sung-joo appears in "Time of Miracle: Loss Time" as a caster who narrates the people who have been given extra time before their deaths. He stays with them and the viewers until the very moment they realize the true meaning of 'lost time'.

Funny but touching story "Time of Miracle: Loss Time" is based on the combination of lost time in a soccer game and life with the narratives by soccer game referees and casters.

"Time of Miracle: Loss Time" will be broadcast on the 10th of February.