[Video] Lee Il-hwa Speaks Japanese in Video for "A Living Being" Poster Shoot

Lee Il-hwa displays her timeless beauty and impress Japanese skills in this trailer for the poster shoot of "A Living Being".


"A Living Being" (2017)

Directed by Min Byeong-kook

With Lee Il-hwa, Yang Dong-geun, Hah Yeong-soo, Lee Hye-jung-II, Jung Na-on, Yoon Don-hwi,...

In a remote island, an ugly old man suffers from dementia and his symptom doesn't bother his caregiver much. They see each other as an old gentleman and a paranoid lady. He starts confessing all his past.

Jeonju International Film Festival 2017 - Korea Cinemascape

Release date in Korea : 2018/01/25