[Video] English Subtitled Official Trailer Released for the Upcoming Korean Drama "Black Knight"

English subtitled official trailer released for the upcoming Korean drama "Black Knight".

English Subtitled Official Trailer


"Black Knight" (2023)

Directed by Cho Ui-seok

Written by Cho Ui-seok

Network: Netflix

With Kim Woo-bin, Song Seung-heon, Kang You-seok, Esom, Kim Eui-sung, Yoo Jang-young,...

6 episodes - Fri
Filming dates: 2021/12~2022/05
"Black Knight" illustrates an air polluted world in 2071, where people depend on respirator masks to breathe. Only one percent of the human race has survived, and a strict social stratification has been established in the deserted lands of the Korean Peninsula. Delivery drivers play a crucial role within this system, and for refugees, becoming a delivery driver is their only hope for survival. Amid chaos, Black Knight tells the story of a legendary delivery driver 5-8 with exceptional battle skills and a refugee Sa-wol who dreams of following in his footsteps.

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2023/05/12