Shim Yi-young Joins "The Escape of the Seven"

Actress Shim Yi-young reported the news of joining "The Escape of the Seven".


Today (24th), the agency High Entertainment announced that actor Shim Yi-young will join the SBS Friday-Saturday drama "The Escape of the Seven" (directed by Joo Dong-min, written by Kim Soon-ok, produced by Green Bam Media, Studio S).

SBS's "The Escape of the Seven" is a picaresque revenge drama about the survival struggle and blood retribution of seven musicians involved in the disappearance of a girl whose lies and desires of countless people are intertwined.

In the drama, Shim Yi-young is the director of the Sungchan Gallery and plays Shim Mi-yeong, an unmarried woman with unpredictable charm. With her esoteric makeup and colorful styling, she will captivate the small screen with her bouncy charm and ever-changing appearance as a person who surprises people around her every time.

Shim Yi-young, who recently drew deep motherhood with deep emotional lines through the drama "Meant To Be". Shim Yi-young, who showed the side of an actress she believes in and sees with stable acting skills in each work, is already expected to show her different appearance and unconventional transformation in the "The Escape of the Seven".

Meanwhile, SBS's "The Escape of the Seven", starring Shim Yi-young, airs every Friday and Saturday at 10 PM.