[Photos] New Stills Added for the Upcoming Korean Movie "Musical Williams"

New stills added for the upcoming Korean movie "Musical Williams" (2023)


Directed by Kim Eun-yeong-III

With Won Jong-hwan, Kim Ji-chul,...

London at the end of the 18th century, when the industrial revolution began. At a time when the capital, which grew as fast as a busy factory, even changed one's social status, an incident caught people's attention immediately.

The "Irish Rich" who poured out Shakespeare's undisclosed relics, from original sonnets, wills, IOUs, and letters, to London society, which was enthusiastic about anything Shakespeare, was put on trial over the controversy over forgery of the play 'Vortigern'.

A fierce battle over 'Shakespeare's work or not?', William Samuel Ireland passionately arguing for his son, William Henry Ireland starting his own story instead of making a statement, and an unknown gentleman named H.

What will be the outcome of this trial?

Release date in Korea : 2023/06/28