[Photos] New Stills Added for the Upcoming Korean Drama "Black Knight"

New stills added for the upcoming Korean drama "Black Knight" (2023).


Directed by Cho Ui-seok

Written by Cho Ui-seok

Network: Netflix

With Kim Woo-bin, Song Seung-heon, Esom, Kang You-seok, Kim Eui-sung, Yoo Jang-young,...

6 episodes
Filming dates: 2021/12~2022/05
"Black Knight" illustrates an air polluted world in 2071, where people depend on respirator masks to breathe. Only one percent of the human race has survived, and a strict social stratification has been established in the deserted lands of the Korean Peninsula. Delivery drivers play a crucial role within this system, and for refugees, becoming a delivery driver is their only hope for survival. Amid chaos, Black Knight tells the story of a legendary delivery driver 5-8 with exceptional battle skills and a refugee Sa-wol who dreams of following in his footsteps.

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2023/05/12