Korean Drama Starting Today 2022/10/28

Korean drama starting today 2022/10/28: "Bargain" (2022)


Directed by Jeon Woo-sung-I

Written by Choi Byung-yoon, Jeon Woo-sung-I, Kwak Jae-min

Network: TVING

With Jin Sun-kyu, Jeon Jong-seo, Kang Gil-woo, Chang Ryul, Jo Han-joon-I, Oh Min-ae,...

6 episodes - Fri
Based on a 2015 short film of the same title.
A disaster-thriller that unfolds after a major earthquake hits a building where ransom bargaining for various reasons took place. It depicts the merciless struggle of human beings to survive in the chaos created by complete disconnection from the outside world.